Monday 21 May 2012

methods to deal with

Financial Management & Human Resources Management
Financial Management
It deals with the process of managing the overall profitability of the company many methods are there to implement and to deal with the financial and HR but i do believe the most of the practical applicability and the way we deal with it
of the all lets start with my favorite subjects Accounts, Finance, and Taxes. to deal with financial management we have to learn with the accounts first with the Indian system of accounting.
 there are 3 types of accounts classified and determined by there principles they are as follows
1)Personal a/c's: Principle Debit the receiver  credit the giver

2)Real a/c's :      Principle Debit What comes in Credit what goes out
3)Nominal a/c's  Principle Debit  expenses and losses credit all income and gains.

 These were Known as GAAP (Generally accepted accounting principles) And the regulations stipulated by the Chartered Accountants Institute of India there are 29 Standards determined  also known as the AS Standards.

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